Friday, October 8, 2021

Jago Grahak Jago campaign

       Jago Grahak Jago 

Jago grahak Jago is the consumer awareness program launched by the Department of food which is under the government of India
This slogan means the wake of consumers.
The government has organized a lot of campaigns for consumer awareness through print media, television, radio, advertising.

Do you know consumer rights?

Consumer right is the basic rights and necessary to know our right. The consumer right is the right to have information about the product like
Manufacturer date
Expiry date
Standard good or service.
Most people purchase food without checking the packaging. Product is the good or not. If found any things wrong so it is your right complain against the seller. 

Basic of consumer rights

Right to choose
Right to information
Right to redress
Right to value for money
Right to mfg and expiry date
Right to consumer education
Right to representation

People need to know the consumer responsibility
Ask yourself: if you found anything wrong then you have registered to complain.
Have you faced any problems as a consumer?
Be critical awareness: the responsibility of the consumer they check all the necessary thing that is mentioned on the product packing or not when you buy anything.
Be involved in
Be organized
Practice sustainable consumption.

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