Thursday, October 7, 2021

Post covid-19 situation in India

 Post covid-19 situation


Covid -19 is a contagious disease or infectious disease, which is harmful to everyone. Most of the people who fall sick with covid-19. This infection spread between the people by the virus if you are near someone who has been contaminated with the covid-19 then you can also fall sick. The virus is infected by the touching, eyes, nose and mouth and it is also spread more easily indoors and in crowded settings areas.
Due to this illness, Our prime minister Narendra Modi had announced the lockdown in India. 

Financial problem due to covid-19

Economic activity has down during the covid-19. Lots of people are jobless or income less in the covid-19. India's improvement expectations mindset a covid-19 pandemic approximated to China seems better. The most worrying circumstance at present is emerging poverty globally as well as India for the first time in the last 20 years due to the trouble by the pandemic.
After the launch of the vaccine for the treatment, the cases have been down then hopefully increased the economy which is down due to the covid economic crisis.

Vaccines for the covid-19

Almost one year of the experiments got the vaccine for the covid-19 or corona.  
There are different categories of vaccine
These are the initial vaccine being administered in India. 
 Covid-19 is the biggest challenge for us but after approx 2 years we got a little bit to calm down from the covid -19. 
Be safe at home don't be gone outdoors without work. 

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